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Another baby hawk down-Owl attack???

Janine and others,
When I called my neighbor to check on the baby hawk
this AM, He said it happened again last night. They
heard the same commotion as the early morning before
and heard something fall. they went out and found
another baby. This one did not fall on soft leaves and
broke a leg, but is still alive and did eat One piece
of chicken. Putting them back in the nest is obviously
not a solution. Would barred owls do this as a
territory dispute? Wouldn't the parent hawks protect
the nest at night? What if one parent is dead?
They are calling the Carolina raptor center and the
rehab center in Mebane, too.
The one yesterday was so beautiful and vulnerable.
Any ideas? Kate

--- jpandjf@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> Kate,
> When is the tree guy coming?  This is pretty much of
> an emergency.  Is the baby being kept safe from 
> predators?  Chicken is a very stopgap food, and is
> lacking many things that the baby badly needs.  
> If the baby can't be replaced in nest TOMORROW,
> please immediately call the Carolina Raptor Center 
> in Charlotte for help/advice.
> Get in touch if I can be of further help.
> -Janine
> 968-6133

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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