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warbler spot, Jordan Lake count

Being busy with church-related obligations all morning, I did not get out
to the Jordan Lake count until after most people already finished.  Despite
being out at mid-afternoon, I did find one spot with four warbler species
nearly in sight of each other, though not simultaneous.  On Horton Pond
Road, opposite Horton Pond there is a path along the west side of an inlet
off Jordan Lake.  Less than 100 m down the trail, an Ovenbird perched
briefly in view before flitting across the trail and then continued into
the woods by a series of short flits.  Slightly farther down the trail
there are a couple of larger hardwoods.  The nearby pines had Pine Warblers
visible as well as audible, and a female Black-throated Blue gave good
views of the underside while foraging in the hardwoods.  After I walked to
the end of the trail and back to the same spot, a male Redstart had
replaced the Black-Throated Blue, but at a bit lower level for even better
views.  A good variety for one small area.

David Campbell
Chapel Hill