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Stecoah and Snowbird trips


Birding in the NC mountains has been excellent this spring, and we have
enjoyed an excellent selection of warblers and other migrants on our day
Ventures to Stecoah Gap and extended stay at Snowbird Lodge, both in the
Robbinsville, NC area. Actually I have just made my fourth visit to the
latter location since the 1st May, and it has been interesting to see how
the bird populations have changed from day to day.

Highlights of the week have been:
27 species of warblers including: Nashville, Swainson's, Bay-breasted, Cape
May, Blackpoll, Magnolia, Kentucky and Golden-wings...often feeding on the
ground and very close!
More Ovenbirds and Hooded Warblers than we knew existed!
Wood and Swainson's Thrush and Veery
Great views of the regular "flashy" spring migrants, such as Rose-breasted
Grosbeak and Scarlet Tanager
Carpets of wildflowers and early spring butterflies etc etc etc

We will be running day trips to Stecoah Gap again next spring and have
already made our 1-3 May reservations at Snowbird Lodge, where we explore
mature forest, mountain wetlands and high elevation woodlands, as well as
enjoy the ambiance of a very special lodge.
Also we currently have a couple more spaces on our 1-4 June trip to the
Croatan National Forest along the NC coast, where we hope to see an
excellent selection of woodland and coastal birds, inc. Red-cockaded
Woodpeckers, Bachman's Sparrow, as well as......dare I say it....Black Rail.
This will be led by Brad Carlson and Simon Thompson.
Contact the Ventures office for further details or check the web site
address below.

Simon Thompson
Ventures, Inc. Birding & Natural History Tours
PO Box 1095, Skyland, NC 28776
Phone/Fax: 828.859.0382