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Thrush vocalization?

For the last week or so, just at dusk till dark, @8:30-8:45 PM, I've been 
hearing a bird vocalizing just off the south side of my screened porch in a 
wooded area.  It always follows a similar pattern in it's call, and is in the 
same spot in the woods.  (There are Wood Thrushes singing at that time of 
evening in that area.)

Don't know what it could be besides a Thrush, it's just so different in it's 
vocalizing, at least to me.

This is it's call:
1)  Starts out with single chip notes about a second apart, high pitch, loud. 
 Will repeat 1/2 dozen or so.

2)  Then will do a few of the same chip notes with a lower, burry longer note 
added at end a few times.

3)  Finally it will repeat this last phrase over and over again:  3 evenly 
spaced chips on same pitch, then a shorter note, slightly higher pitch, 
followed by a higher pitched, longer note immediately after.  Reminds me of a 
Whip-poor-will in the wrong pitch with too many syllables. Whip-whip-whip  
poor-will.  In musical notation would be 4/4 time, with 3 quarter notes then 
2 eighth notes.  Sorry to be so wordy, but it's harder than I realized to 
describe accurately.

Has anyone heard this type of pattern in a Thrush call?  

Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC