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Spring Migration Count, Tibwin Plantation, South Carolina

Approximately 13 folks participated in the spring migration count on the
Tibwin Plantation, Francis Marion National Forest, South Carolina, this
past Saturday.  A total of 77 species were observed/heard, short of the
nearly 100 last year.  This was due to recent work done on the
impoundments resulting in unfavorable conditions for shorebirds (we had
13 species of shorebirds last year).  Also, there were not many migrants
this year.  Habitats include pine flatwoods, bottomland hardwood,
maritime shrub/scrub and mature forest, mixed oak-pine, loblolly pine,
freshwater impoundment, brackish water impoundments, and salt marsh.  

Highlights this year include 8 Mississippi Kites, one swallow-tailed
kite, approximately 17 painted buntings, and yellow warbler.

Following is a list of the species:

Pie-billed grebe
Brown pelican
Double-crested cormorant
Great blue heron
Great egret
Snowy egret
Little blue heron
Tricolored heron
Green heron
Yellow-crowned night heron
Wood stork
Black vulture
Turkey vulture
Mottled duck
Swallow-tailed kite
Mississippi kite (9) hunting the fields at North Tibwin
Red-shouldered hawk
Common moorhen
Lesser yellowlegs
Spotted sandpiper
Least sandpiper
Laughing gull
Ring-billed gull
Forster's tern
Least tern
Black skimmer
Mourning dove
Yellow-billed cuckoo
Chimney Swift
Red-headed woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy woodpecker
Northern flicker
Pileated woodpecker
Eastern wood-pewee
Great-crested flycatcher
Eastern kingbird
Loggerhead shrike
White-eyed vireo
Red-eyed vireo
Blue jay
American crow
Fish crow
Tree swallow
Barn swallow
Carolina chickadee
Tufted titmouse
White-breasted nuthatch
Brown-headed nuthatch
Carolina Wren
Eastern bluebird
Gray catbird
Northern mockingbird
Brown thrasher
Northern parula
Yellow warbler
Yellow-throated warbler
Pine warbler
Prairie warbler
Prothonotary warbler
Kentucky warbler
Common yellowthroat
Hooded warbler
Summer tanager
Eastern towhee
Northern cardinal
Blue grosbeak
Indigo bunting
Painted bunting
Red-winged blackbird
Common grackle
Boat-tailed grackle
Brown-headed cowbird
Orchard oriole

For those who participated and noticed a difference in the number of
species counted at Tibwin and on this list, I visited North Tibwin for a
few hours in the afternoon and picked up 3 additional species:
loggerhead shrike, swallow-tailed kite, and indigo bunting.

Craig Watson
Mt. Pleasant, SC