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Dear C'birders:

Marsha Stephens, David Curtin, and i spent nearly 19 hours yesterday trying 
to best the 100 species goal for the Wildathon.  Although we failed, we did 
exceed our group's total from last year.   

Some of our highlights include:

Warbling Vireo, still singing loud at 2pm - Anilorac Farm
Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush, Haw River south of Bynum
Northern Waterthrush, Haw River south of Bynum
Black-bellied Plover, Hwy 55 Water Treatment Facility
Semipalmated Plover,  Hwy 55 Water Treatment Facility
Least Sandpiper,      Hwy 55 Water Treatment Facility
Semipalmated Sandpiper, Hwy 55 Water Treatment Facility
Yellow-crowned Night-heron, Marsha found a pair - Hwy 54 Impoundment

Notable misses (which would have put us over 100) include:

Scarlet Tanager
Great Horned Owl
Black-and-white Warbler
Prairie Warbler

tom driscoll
chapel hill, nc