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scarlet nest

Just by accident, as I was taking the compost out, I
heard chickadees going nuts low to the ground in the
same place blue jays had been going nuts last night at
dusk. so I went to get my binos because I saw an
interesting bland vireo/warbler type in the high
leaves AND wanted to see if it was a snake they were
scolding. But instead as I looked up, there was the
female scarlet tanager doing "chick-burr" and then she
just popped onto her nest quietly in a loblolly pine
branch. I swear 3 years ago they were nesting in that
same tree, but I doubted myself back then. It is at
the end of the branch and it seems so obvious to
cowbirds and jays. Jays are plentiful around my house
this time of year. The song of the male is beautiful
every morning and evening. I have been able to see
them together a few times high up in the trees from
our upstairs. So beautiful. Kate
--- Psbmt@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
>      Yesterday our New Hope Audubon team found a
> Magnolia Warbler singing in 
> the pines at the front of the Ranger's station on
> Big Woods Rd.  There were 
> probably 8  Bald Eagles there also.   Two adults
> were perched in the trees 
> across the lake, also had a few adults fly over and
> 3-4 immatures also seen.  
> Some were flying into the small inlet near where the
> model airplanes are 
> flown, saw one sitting on a small section of sand
> there too.  Lots of fish in 
> that area.
>      In another area by the Haw River,  Rob Gluck
> spotted 3 Cedar Waxwings, 
> and we also had a Louisiana Waterthrush.
> Shelley Theye
> N. Chatham County, NC
> Psbmt@aol.com

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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