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Dreher Island St. Pk.

Hi all,

I birded Dreher Island State Park, near Chapin, SC over the weekend and had a 
terrific birding experience. 

A great crested flycatcher chose to show off for me. He'd fly to the ground 
almost at my feet, fluff his wings like he was covering a nest (Sorry, I dont 
know what that behavior actually is called) and sit like a stone for 30-45 
seconds. Then fly to a small scrub tree about 6 feet away and "prance" 
around. Thats the only way to describe it. This bird pranced!! I couldn't 
stop laughing. He wasn't the least afraid of me.

I did some biking in the park, and counted 6 pileated woodpeckers (yes, I'm 
sure I didnt see the same bird more than once).

I'm didn't try to count, but I saw: 
 a ton of RT hummers
blue jays
carolina wrens
great crested fly catchers
blue gray gnat catchers
rose breated grosbeak
northern raven
american robin
american crow
wood thrush (how lovely!)
brown thrasher
indigo bunting
swallow tail kites
barn swallows

Oh! And two deer! They ran right across the road  in front of me. As well as 
a gazillion turtles.
Loads of butterflies, too, but I can't name those guys.

Anyway, an excellent day at Dreher!

Terry Hamilton
Charlotte, NC