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HBSP on 5-28

Hi Carolinabirders,
	This morning Bob Maxwell and I birded at Huntington Beach S.P., Georgetown
County, SC from 7:30AM-10:30 and then the heat came. We birded the carriage
path and crabbers dock. 33 species.

1. Double-crested Cormorant-3
2. Great Blue Heron-1
3. Great Egret-3
4. Snowy Egret-3
5. Tricolored Heron-5
6. Green Heron-1
7. Turkey Vulture-2
8. Osprey-2
9. Common Moorhen-3
10. Am. Coot-1
11. Black-necked Stilt-2
12. Lesser Yellowlegs-1
13. Willet-1
14. Ruddy Turnstone-5
16. peep sp.-9 either western or Semipal.
17. Short-billed Dowitcher-10
18. med. seized Tern sp-2 ratty looking thing
19. Mourning Dove-2
20. E. Wood-Pewee-1
21. Great-Crested Flycatcher-4
22. E. Kingbird-1
23. Barn Swallow-2
24. Blue Jay-2
25. Carolina Chickadee-3
26. Carolina Wren-1
27. N. Mockingbird-2
28. White-eyed Vireo-3 heard only
29. Yellow-breasted Chat-1
30. N. Cardinal-3
31. Indigo Bunting-1
32. Red-winged Blackbird-3
33. Boat-tailed Grackle-2

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC