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Memorial Weekend Pelagic trips

The pelagic trips off the outer banks this weekend produced some 
excellent birds, despite bad weather on Monday. As an overview, the 
headline for the weekend was that the full grand slam of Pterodroma 
petrels was seen in multiples. I'll let Brian tell the details of his 
trips, and Ricky Davis (a leader on my trips) will post the totals for 
Saturday and Sunday. However, the highlights from Sunday were a dark 
morph Herald Petrel and a Bermuda Petrel. Both birds came by close but 
neither stayed to give the sort of views one would like and 
unfortunately the birds were seen by only about half those on board.

I have no further trips scheduled for this summer but would strongle 
recommend getting on one of Brian's trips this summer. A couple months 
ago, a potential participant asked (in jest) if I could guarantee a 
Bermuda Petrel. My response was that I could guarantee he would NOT see 
one by not going. Based on early season activity, this seems to be 
shaping up as a better than average season for these petrels.

Mike Tove