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Indigos and Blue Grosbeaks

Went out to some fields near Heathwood Hall in southeast Columbia, SC.  Got
there about 7pm and stayed for 45 mins.  Saw the Painted Bunting again today
plus a female on the other side of the field.  Have been hearing what I
thought was a  Blue  Grosbeak but he didn't show his face until I was about
to leave.  Heard  him and an Indigo Bunting  and, lo and behold, they were
sitting close to each other on the same branch.  Good way to end the day.
Also saw a Downy Woodpecker, Common Yellowthroat, Brown-headed Cowbird, some
Cardinals and Carolina Wrens.  Curiously no Eastern Kingbirds in an area
usually crawling with them.


-- James Wilson
820 1/2 Buckingham Road
Columbia, SC 29205
Home: 803-738-2880