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Kerr Lake

Yesterday at Kerr Lake on the NC-Virginia border I had
several interesting birding moments. The first was
seeing a young Bald Eagle flying around the little
cove I was in. He had a completely brown head and only
a little white in the tail so he was still pretty
young. I didn't know Bald Eagles were on that lake. 
The second was a common loon not 50 feet from shore. I
would think loon would all be in Maine haunting little
lakes by now. I was very surprised to see this one.
The last interesting sighting was a pair of
rough-winged swallows flying in and out of a nest hole
in the high clay banks of the cove. I had never seen
one of their nests before. 
All in all a nice little birding day, considering I
was not birding but there for party.
Bruce Young
durham, NC

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