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Migration Count

This is a tardy report on the Henderson County, NC (southern mountains)
migration day count.  Total species was lower than usual with only 100,
probably because there were fewer participants than the past couple of years,
the count was pretty late (5/13) so we didn't get many of the birds just
passing through, and it was HOT and the song birds became inactive fairly
early.  However, we did get some good stuff.  Highlights:
-Eleven species of shorebird including Semipalmated Plover, Killdeer, G and L
Yellowlegs, Spotted, Solitary, Semipalmated, Least, and Pectoral Sandpiper,
Short-billed Dowitcher and Common Snipe - a nice bunch of shorebirds for the
-A couple of flocks of Bobolink totalling 100 birds.
-5 very late American Pipits
-15 Willow Flycatchers
	The late count actually probably helped boost the Willow Flycatcher
numbers as they are pretty late arrivers, but it does seem as though their
numbers are increasing every year and they certainly seem to be more widespread
in the area.  They can now be found in many areas of Henderson County and I
also know of a couple of areas in Buncombe County.  On my Breeding Bird Survey
(run 6/11) we found them at two stops and they had never been seen on this
route anywhere before this year.  I know that they are also in Transylvania
County and are possibly becoming more widespread there.  Anyone else finding
their numbers increasing?  Marilyn Westphal/Hendersonville, NC  email: 