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Lots of time offshore

During the past 8 days, I spent my days fishing in the Gulf Stream off Cape
Hatteras aboard both the Native Son and Albatross II.  Thought I would give
a rundown of pelagics seen.

Audubon's Shearwater-all days
Greater Shearwater-all days.  Yesterday, 6/18, they were especially
voracious in their feeding.  We constantly had them behind the boat while
bailing dolphin.  In fact I caught one that had a blue piece of ribbon
hanging from its mouth.  I gently pulled the ribbon and found that it was a
deflated red balloon that was attached to a 3 foot piece of ribbon.  The
bird must have mistaken it for a piece of cut bait.  Remember where those
balloons go when you let them into the air!
Parasitic Jaeger-14th,17th, 18th
Pomarine Jaeger-18th
Wilson's Storm Petrel-all days
Black Capped Petrel-12th
Cory's Shearwater-all days
Bridled Tern-all days
Black Tern-17th
Sooty Tern(2 birds)-17th

Brian Van Druten
Frisco, NC