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Bluebirds & Crows

    I have had a Bluebird Trail on Glen Cannon Golf Course for over 30
years.  Average 40 babies a year. 
   On July 6, while walking up on the ladies #7 tee- I was listening to
and watching a family of bluebirds flying in and out of a nearby tree.
Three crows, that hang out in the area and steal food from golf carts,
flew over my head.  One crow flew into a flying young bluebird- it fell
to the ground and the crow dropped on top of it.  Bluebird parents went
into action- I ran toward the victim but one crow picked up the young
bird, flew across a small stream.  
   One or maybe three crows had something other than a peanut butter
sandwich for lunch.  
   I have a double-bogie on #7.