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Re: black-billed cuckoos

I am delighted to hear about this!!

As I pointed out in an earlier e-mail, 1997 was the year that some
Black-billed Cuckoos oversummered on the Dare mainland, and some may have
oversummered in 1994.  (I didn't have any in 1995 or 1996.)  So maybe they
oversummer (and breed I guess) at about 3 years intervals on the Dare

Yesterday, Jack Fennell and I made numerous stops on and near Catfish Lake
Road in the Croatan, listening for Black-billed Cuckoos (because this area
has some similarities to the Dare mainland).  However, we didn't find any.

                                       John Fussell
                                       Morehead City, NC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carleton Wood" <egardens@inteliport.com>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 11:27 AM
Subject: black-billed cuckoos

> Hello friends:
> I Went out on the alligator refuge this morning before work to survey for
> Back-billed Cuckoos. My starting point was to be Jackson road where it
> Navy Shell. From there I was to work my way south. However, Jackson was
> gated so my plans were cancelled. However, I did hear and see 2
> Cuckoos at or near that intersection before I left. I will try to get back
> there soon when the road is open or when I have time to go around. Working
> my way back (north) on Long Curve Road produced no Black-billed Cuckoos.
> Jeff Lewis
> egardens@inteliport.com