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Re: YC Night Heron Rookery at Charleston's Battery Park

Tom great find no question.

My only YC Night heron rookery that I`ve found was in a very remote place. It
was up a creek in Francis Marion NF so far up that boats and fishermen
couldn`t make it due to downed logs and shallow water. It took great effort to
get my solo canoe up there believe me. After seeing this I concluded they
liked privacy a great deal. The place they were if there`s any Ivory-billed
Woodpeckers left I`d look for them there as it was no mans land practically.

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC

Tom Lorenzin wrote:

> I was surprised to discover that at least three dozen Yellow-crowned Night
> Herons are nesting and raising young in as heavily-peopled a place as
> Charleston's Battery Park.  The juveniles are actively foraging on the
> ground amid the natives, tourists, pigeons, and house sparrows while the
> adults usually hang about above it all in the Live Oak nests.
> How long has this been going on?  Is this the first season?  Is it unusual
> for Y-c Night Herons to rook in such a busy place?
> 7;^)
> Tom "two legs at a time" Lorenzin
> Davidson (Lake Norman), NC
> SkyTomX@XDellNet.com or TomLoX@XMicrosoft.com
> (remove Xs to use addresses)
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