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Scissor-taileds today

Hello All-

Today I found the Scissor-tailed family in the ususal area.  Dad was out
feeding around the field the entire time I watched (between 0930-1030).
Mom and the fledglings were up in the top of one of the oaks in the
cemetary in the shade.  I only saw the young flutter around one at a time
(tails are developing- looked definitely forked troday).  Dad was *very*
impressive and perched on the wire really close to the car at one point (no
need for binocs...).  Probably the best part was seeing him as well as a
Mockingbird and a Loggerhead Shrike together in the same field of view for
a few minutes.  A terrific comparison of the three rather similar species!

Susan M. Campbell
Whispering Pines, NC
