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Magnolia Bird Walk, 7/16

     The regular Sunday morning bird walk at Magnolia Plantation 
Wildlife Refuge, Charleston, SC, (http://MagnoliaPlantation.Net) 
was led by Perry Nugent on July 16, 2000.  There were 48 species 

Anhinga, 30
Egret, Great, 40
Egret, Snowy, 50
Egret, Cattle, 35
Heron, Little Blue, 50
Heron, Tri-colored, 50
Heron, Green, 15
Heron, Black-crowned Night, 1
Ibis, White, 3
Ibis, Glossy, 15 (3 sets of babies)
Duck, Wood, 100
Duck, Mottled, 1
Kite, Mississippi, 3, 1 Juvenile
Vulture, Black, 2
Vulture, Turkey, 6
Osprey, 2
Moorhen, Common, 12
Kildeer, 4
Sandpiper, Solitary, 1
Sandpiper, Least, 20
Gull, Laughing, 20
Tern, Royal, 1
Dove, Mourning, 20
Swift, Chimney, 20
Woodpecker, Red-bellied, 2
Woodpecker, Downy, 1
Woodpecker, Pileated, 1
Martin, Purple, 20
Swallow, Northern Roughwinged, 5
Swallow, Barn, 1
Jay, Blue, 2
Crow, Fish, 6
Crow, American, 15
Chickadee, Carolina, 20
Titmouse, Tufted, 10
Wren, Carolina, 5
Gnat-catcher, Blue-gray, 10
Thrush, Wood, 2
Mockingbird, Northern, 4
Thrasher, Brown, 2
Tanager, Summer, 1
Cardinal, Northern, 25
Bunting, Indigo, 1
Bunting, Painted, 1
Blackbird, Red-winged, 20
Grackle, Boat-tailed, 25
Grackle, Common, 30
Cowbird, Brown-headed, 7

George Crumley
Charleston, SC