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Black Rails, etc

Regarding Frank Enders message on inland Black Rails, the Birds of North
Carolina book published many years ago (1930's or 40? - I can't remember)
discusses Black Rails breeding in Buncombe County (Asheville area) in the early
part of the century.  As I recall, the book said they were found in wet
meadows.  Who knows?  I don't think any birders have heard or seen any here in
more recent times, though.  Please correct me if I am wrong about that. 
Anyway, land use has changed a lot since those bygone days.  Nevertheless, we
keep poking around looking for those oddities.
	As for the tertiary wetland wastewater treatment systems, the mayor of
Hendersonville actually proposed such an idea for the Hendersonville system. 
The stream the plant is on is very unlike the usual mountain stream.  It
actually formed a natural wetland many years ago before additional ditches were
constructed and the stream dug deeper to drain the area.  I don't know if the
idea will fly because it would require a great deal of land and I don't know if
they will be able to acquire it.  The folks at the state Wetlands Restoration
Program have been asked to look into the possibilities.
	So all hope is not lost and three cheers for our mayor for looking to
other possibilities.  I hope something can work out.  If it does, maybe others
in the region may also be more open to other alternatives to wastewater
treatment.  Marilyn Westphal/Hendersonville, NC  email:  mjwestphal@unca.edu