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Re: Mixed flock- N. Chatham county 9/6/ and almost new feeder bird

Great bird yard, Shelley,
Chris and I saw a worm eating warbler and black
throated blue female yesterday, just because we were
checking out the resident hooded doing his thing. And
we got a bonus! Also two ovenbirds appeared on the
forest floor and a female hooded ate some suet!!!
All this from the windows! Kate
--- Psbmt@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
>      Noticed some activity in the understory trees
> just outside the living 
> room window yesterday AM,  saw some Black and White
> Warblers close up, and 
> then more birds, so ran and got my binocs.  Also saw
> Magnolia Warblers, imm. 
> and male, and also male and female Am. Redstarts. 
> They hung around at eye 
> level for awhile ( the southewest side of our house
> is about 11' above ground 
> level), then flew, followed them to west, nw side
> and watched them higher up 
> in trees.  then they returned to original SW side. 
> A few hours later saw 
> more male and female Redstarts.
>      Also present were Red-eyed Vireos, Blue-gray
> Gnatcatchers, Chimney 
> Swifts, and a first fall male Scarlet Tanager eating
> Persimmons on a scraggly 
> tree.  Had yellow tinges on his dark wings. 
>      Also saw an imm. Cardinal try to fit a  whole
> Persimmon in it's bill, 
> then mom flew up and showed him how to take smaller
> bites.
>      A Pileated was hammering away on a branch with
> a young Red-bellied 
> almost next to him watching with what seemed much
> interest. 
>      Then all of a sudden from out of nowhere it
> seemed, a flock of about 25 
> Mourning Doves flushed from the matted down tall
> weeds right under the window 
> I was at and flew up and over the house.  Was
> startling to see this group 
> flying right towards me.
> Turns out a doe had meandered over to where they
> were.  Was a very busy yard 
> day.
>      Activity seemed to start around 8/29 in my yard
> with the 1st Bl. and wh. 
> Warbler.  Also had an unidentified Flycatcher that
> day.  And flushed a Barred 
> Owl who I must have been almost right next to, saw
> it's back and tail only as 
> it flew, then saw him staring at me from a distant
> pine.
>      9/1 had an imm. Chestnut-sided in the dogwood 
> by the screened-porch, 
> also 11 ft. above ground level.  Have had some of
> the best birds in that 
> tree.  Have also had male and female Summer Tanagers
> and a Yell-billed Cuckoo.
>      Last , but definitely not least,  a male Hooded
> Warbler in the drizzle 
> on Labor Day spent almost 30 minutes at my feeders. 
> Chased a few Goldfinch, T
> itmice... checked out all of the feeders, but only
> drank some rainwater off 
> of the Droll-Yankee tube feeder lid. Wished I had
> had some mealworms out, 
> would have been interesting to see if he would have
> taked any.  Saw the white 
> outer tail feathers as he flicked his tail a lot.   
> Shelley Theye
> North Chatham County, NC
> Psbmt@aol.com

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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