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Has there been a "restocking" effort here in North Carolina or have the 
turkeys simply repopulated the area on their own?  Where in NC is the core 

In my native northwestern New Jersey I watched Turkey populations explode 
over the past two decades following a reintroduction effort consisting of a 
small number of birds transplanted from Vermont.  They have been so 
successful that it is now possible to see large flocks (>20 birds) at 
will.  The sight of a mature tom turkey in flight is awesome!!

Jack McLain

At 04:02 PM 9/8/2000 -0400, PJPHILIP@aol.com wrote:
>All of you local "Mason Farmers" may find this interesting = I noted 8 WILD
>TURKEYS in the road on the Southeast corner of Silers Bog, just inside the
>edge of the Big Oak Woods. I don't believe any have been recorded there for a
>long Time ???
>Phil Johnson, DVM
>Chapel Hill, NC  27514