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yard birds

yesterday morning, while drinking my coffee, checked out the activity in my
yard.  Had a male black throated blue, female restart, several red eyed
vireos, male  hooded and a male blue winged warbler.  haven't seen one of
those in my yard in several years.  the blue winged were regular visitors
when i had more scrubby undergrowth but once the tulip poplars took over
they seemed to disappear.  was gratified to see one.  also heard my resident
pileated.  there had been much logging in the acres around me  and a new
development is going in less than a 1/4 mile from my back deck so i've been
concerned about the effects on the birds i usually have.  the tanagers were
scarce this year compared to last and never did hear my cuckoo which i would
ususally see every summer.  this am while filling the dog water dish with
fresh i heard a whipowill which i haven't heard in several weeks.   is this
likely a migrant or one that hasn't left yet.  during the summer there was a
daily am and pm chorus.  got the briefest look when one flew over my head.
too dusky to really make out any field marks but this was the first i had
actually seen one.  this has been a nemesis bird for me but would like to
get a really good look sometime.  i have steve schultz's directions for the
chucks will widow so that will be a new quest.  i hate i have to be at work
so early.  i would much rather check out the yard activity.  keep those
migrants coming.

lee van malssen
chapel hill, nc
northern chatham cty