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Hummer meets it`s fate on goldenrod!


Last saturday while on the Dare County Butterfly Count I found something
very interesting on a goldenrod. I heard this buzzing noise from the old
road I was walking and found about 20 foot away a female Rubythroat
fluttering away wings open under the goldenrod blooms. I`d forgotten to
bring binocs so I couldn`t see the entire story here.

Once Will and Toni caught up with me we figured out there was the rump
of a preying mantis pointing upward at the top of the flowers right
above the hummer. Will and Toni talked me into saving the poor bird, so
I ventured thru the high weeds to free it and get photos. I grabbed the
goldenrod and turned it about only to find that the preying mantis had
completely ripped open the neck of the poor little hummer. Once seeing
all the damage to the hummer I figured it was too late for a rescue and
let the mantis put her out of her misery which took only another minute
or so.

This was something I`d never have thought would happen to a hummingbird.
Will said he`d heard of it happening at feeders a few times. The film is
still in my camera I`ll post photos to my site when I get them back.

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC