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Fw: House Finches

This message was sent back to me after my original post. Thought some of you
might be interested.
Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fawzi P. Emad" <femad@erols.com>
To: <danetherton@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 6:04 PM

> Dear Alex,
> The mail below was sent to a Bluebird lovers group after
> receiving your note (from Barry), I responded as shown below.  I
> am sending you a copy in case you are interested.  BTW, I have a
> PhD and am a Professor of EE at U of MD, but I think I am still
> an amateur at bluebirding!  Thanks.
> Fawzi
> ------------------------------------------
> Thank you Barry for sending this.  It is a most interesting
> observation.  Two years ago I had about 2 to 3 dozen HOuse
> SParrows (HOSP) and a few HOuse FInches (HOFI).  I trapped and
> relocated all the HOSP to the center of a city which has over 10
> million HOSP (so now there are 10 million plus 36 HOSP!
> downtown).  Now, I have absolutely no more HOSP, but many more
> HOFI than I used to have HOSP...
> The big difference is that the HOFI (to the best of my knowledge)
> have not discouraged any of my EAstern BLuebirds (EABL) from
> using the nesting boxes I provide for them, nor do they compete
> with the EABL in any way.  In fact, I often see a HOFI or two who
> go everywhere the EABL go, as if they seem to enjoy the company
> of the EABL.
> Fawzi
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Barry Whitney" <barryw@therock.mcg.edu>
> To: <Bluebird-L@cornell.edu>
> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 5:16 PM
> Subject: House finches vs. House Sparrows (fwd)
> >
> > This may be of interest to some of you.
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 16:57:10 -0400
> > From: Alex Netherton <danetherton@msn.com>
> > To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
> > Subject: House Sparrows, White Wings, Eu. Collared's
> >
> > Hi folks;
> >
> > Read Josh's report about Collared Doves, and wondered if we
> could expect
> > to see them in Buncombe county some day? Also, are White Wings
> moving this
> > way, or is it too cold? I did a mini research project while in
> graduate
> > school on House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and House Finch
> Carpodacus
> > mexicanus). Seems the House Finch is outcompeting the House
> Sparrow in
> > many locales. My research project showed HoFi's to be much more
> agressive
> > at feeders than HoSp's, and my pure research (of published
> data) seemed to
> > show the HoFi outcompeting them in nesting, as they seem to use
> similar
> > nest sites. Much af my data was taken from the Chat, and the
> publications
> > of the Audubon Society. As my "research" was done a millennium
> ago (1986),
> > you will need to go back 20 or more years in the publications.
> It might be
> > instructive to look around at places which have few or no House
> Sparrows
> > and see if there are House Finches. Remember that many new
> finds, range
> > expansions, behavioral traits, and other data are discovered by
> "amateur"
> > (that is, I guess, folks without PhD's) birders. So, enjoy
> birding! Alex
> > Netherton The Appalachian Naturalist danetherton@msn.com
> > http://www.appalachian-naturalist.com
> >
> >
> > Alex Netherton
> > The Appalachian Naturalist
> > danetherton@msn.com
> > http://www.appalachian-naturalist.com