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Mystery Warbler

As best as Ic an tell from various field guides, the following warbler
is probably a Golden-winged/Blue-winged hybrid, but I would appreciate
input from the group.

As best as I can reconstruct from my almost illegible notes, the warbler
had dark eyes, a black eyestripe just below its eyes, with a yellow
eyestripe on top of it which merged into a yellow eye ring, dark bill,
gray head, olive green/gray wings with two white wing bars, yellow
flanks and white breast.  I saw this bird at New Hope Creek.

I saw a similar bird yesterday, but it did not have the black eyestripe
(only the yellow) and it had golden yellow wing bars.  That bird was on
the SHepherd Nature Trail in Duke Forest.

I am interested in any suggestions or comments.

Amalie Tuffin
Durham, NC