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Aiken Migrants and "reply' note

Hi folks,

First a note to those who have replied to my "skua99" e-mail account (Please 
reply to capito@hotmail.com (not skua99):

A belated "thanks" for the helpful advise and birding locations (I'll write 
you all indiv., soon). I only use my "skua99" account for subscription to 
Carolinabirds, checking the recent postings at the internet site "Birding On 
The Net". From now on, I will be sure to say, "reply to capito@hotmail.com" 
in future e-mails.

Meanwhile, my better half and I were out for a nice walk at Hitchcock Woods 
in Aiken, SC on Sunday. We were expecting the same old resident birds and 
few to no migrants. About half way through our walk, I heard a familiar 
"chip" overhead and stopped to see a huge flock of migrants, swirling in the 
trees overhead. The chip was that of Chestnut-sided Warbler (of which there 
were 5 mostly young males), B&W Warblers, B-t Greens (incl. an adult male), 
Blackburnians (3 in plumages from young male to adult male), Redstarts (all 
adult males), Wormeatings, Magnolias, Pines Red-eyed and Yellow-throated 
Vireos, Gnatcatchers,  Scarlet Tanager etc. Two other flocks added more of 
the same and Veery and 2 Swainsons Thrush (NO PARULAS NOR PRARIES FOR THE 

We ended up having to RUN after the flocks as they rapidly moved through the 
canopy and midstory. It reminded me of Cape Cod birding in spring and fall 
storms. Birds definitely ON THEIR WAY SOMEWHERE... held up by the impending 
inclement weather. We all must remember... THEY ARE on their way! The 
Blackburnians, Ceruleans etc. will be in the Andes in a few weeks. I've seen 
Scarlet Tanager and Swainsons Thrush in Peruvian lowland forests. 
Astounding! Reports of migrant fall out on the Florida Coast make my heart 
sink, thinking of all those passerines forced into the ocean by too strong 
of winds.

A heart-felt good luck to this year’s departing migrants. May Gordon be the 
only bad storm this year.

Paul Champlin
New Ellenton, SC

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