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Caesar's Head Hawk Watch 9/19/00

9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Warm and windy with a clear blue sky made for tough counting , today.
However, the resident Red-tails kept us entertained. In addition to their
normal antics, they were seen taking insects from the tree tops. There were
a lot of Katydids singing in the trees around the overlook and the RT's were
taking advantage of the opportunity.

Broad-winged        369
Osprey                         2
Sharp-shinned              1
Unidentified                 1

Assisting today: Elizabeth Galloway, Mitchell Rice, Hilda Reece, Tim Lee,
Pat & Brock Hutchins from Clayton, GA, David Ritland, Wanda McCoy and

Jeff Catlin
Marietta, SC