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After the rain this morning

Birding was pretty good for awhile after the rain slacked this morning in
north Asheville and nearby. In chronological order:

1.  Around our house -- Black-throated Blue (1-2), Magnolia (2-4), Am.
Redstart (2-4), and Tennessee (6-8) warblers fed busily.  There were more
birds about but bad light prevented id.

2.  Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary -- 90+ Blue-winged Teal (brought down by
storms in the night?), 20+ Gray Catbirds, 8-10 Am. Robins, 8-10 Cedar
Waxwings, 6-8 E. Bluebirds, 5+ Am. Redstart, 5+ Magnolia Warbler, 2-3
Chestnut-sided Warbler, 1 Yellow Warbler, 1 Ovenbird, 1 heard-only
Yellow-throated Vireo, 1 Chipping Sparrow, plus the regulars.

3.  Blue Ridge Parkway, Craven Gap to Craggy Gardens -- fairly quiet
(noontime when I got up there) -- 1 Common Raven (h), 1 Red-breasted
Nuthatch (h), 1-2 Scarlet Tanager (h), 1 Indigo Bunting (h), and 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (h).  Also still a few Chimney Swifts about -- they're
found in breeding season in Craggy Gardens, presumably nesting in a hollow

Len Pardue, Asheville, NC