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Wingless, serpentine bird

LisaBirder dropped the following post on us, possibly reminding us of the reptilian origin of birds"

"This morning as I was crossing the parking lot from the office mailbox, I saw what I thought was a piece of dark colored string on the asphalt. As I got closer, I though it was a dead snake. Turned out to be a live snake.
He was very little, only about 8 inches, I'd say. he could fit curled up in my palm. I of course had to bring him inside to show my coworkers. They were less than impressed. I forget sometimes that not everyone likes snakes as much as I do. Our product manager wouldn't come out of the bathroom until I put the snake out. <g>
Anyway, I have never seen such a snake before. He was dark grayish black, with a kind of reddish mark just behind the head. But what was most notable was his belly. It was bright orange-red, very vibrant.
He was very docile, happy to explore my hands and fingers with the sweet little tonuge flicking in and out. Never showed any agression, although he did make a funny smell when I first picked him up. Like wet dog.
He really was a cute little snake! Any ideas on his species?"

I believe Lisa found a small Red-Bellied Snake, Storeria occipitomaculatas.

Did it sing?

Bob Burrell