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Caesar's Head Hawk Watch - 9/24/00

The weather and the counting was pretty hot today. With the help of another
large group of counters and visitors, we had 1,724 birds today.

                                  Today                Totals for Season
Broad-winged          1700                        7753
Sharp-shinned               11                          40
Cooper's                          1                            7
Osprey                             5                          16
Am. Kestrel                     1                          11
Peregrine                         3                            7
Turkey Vulture                1                            1
Unidentified                     2                          22

The grand total so far: 7,866.  This is the 2nd largest count ever at the

A special "Thank You" to all the folks that are helping us with the spotting
this year.Your continued support will be appreciated.

Jeff Catlin
Marietta, SC