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Santee Coastal Reserve

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Yesterday, Oct.1 Gary Phillips, Charlie Heacock and I sojurned to the
Santee Coastal Reserve, northern Charleston County, SC.  No shorebirds were
seen perhaps because the ponds were very high. Interesting were the Yellow
and Orange-crowned Warblers on the dikes feeding on insects in the
groundsel trees.  Lots of critters seen including 8 species of butterfly,
bobcat, otter, gators and of course any number of species of mosquito. Gary
Phillips did the tree and wildflower id's.
55 species:
Great Blue Heron-6
Green Heron-2
Little Blue Heron-1 immature
Great Egret-7
Tricolored Heron-2
Night-Heron sp-1
Wood Stork-3
Blue-winged Teal-2
Turkey Vulture-12
Red-tailed Hawk-1
Bald Eagle-4-6
Wild Turkey-12
Common Moorhen-3
Am. Coot-3
Mourning Dove-1
Belted Kingfisher-3
Common Flicker-5
Pileated Woodpecker-3
Red-bellied Woodpecker-7
Red-headed Woodpecker-1
Downy Woodpecker-6
Red-cockaded Woodpecker-4
E. Phoebe-1
E. Wood-Pewee-1
Tree Swallow-8
Barn Swallow-1
Blue Jay-18
Am. Crow-3
Carolina Chickadee-4
Tufted Titmouse-8
White-breasted Nuthatch-2
Brown-headed Nuthatch-4
Carolina Wren-4
N. Mockingbird-2
Gray Catbird-3
Brown Thrasher-6
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-1
White-eyed Vireo-5
Red-eyed Vireo-1
Prothonotary Warbler-3 heard only
Orange-crowned Warbler-2
N. Parula-2
Yellow Warbler-2
Pine Warbler-12
Palm Warbler-6
Common Yellowthroat-6
Am. Redstart-5
Red-winged Blackbird-12
Boat-tailed Grackle-24
Common Grackle-30
Painted Bunting-1 immature or female
E. Towhee-6
Chipping Sparrow-3

Sorry for the lack of order but their checklist needs revision.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC