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Re: Identification Help

Could be a female Redstart.  I've seen a couple in my yard in the past week or so.

James Wilson
Columbia, SC 

john boyd <jb@awod.com> wrote:
> I just moved from downtown Charleston, SC to the suburbs. Now I have awooded yard, and I have started birdwatching. I am a complete amature, and
perhaps this is the wrong place to ask for assistance with (probably)
obvious identifications, but here is is my question/bird. I have been
seeing a small bird (~ 5 in.), uniformly light grey all over, looking a lot
like a warbler to me. The only marks I can see are two very bright and
distinctive yellow spots on the end of the tail and a thin yellow bar on
the wing. The song I hear is just a "chip....chip....chip...." I cannot
find anything like this in my Audobon field guide. Any ideas? 
Thanks for any help - John Boyd