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Black-throated Green Warbler in N. Durham Co

Janet and I took our usual Saturday walk near our house.

Ruby-crowned Kinglets have arrived in force.  The "nicest" bird that we saw 
was a Black-throated Green Warbler.  It was in a small flock of kinglets, 
Blackpoll and female redstart.  Several Phoebes and good numbers of 
Towhees.  I know the Black throated Green is not common in the Piedmont, 
but I got a good look.

  Also saw a flock of about 15 Chipping Sparrows.

BTW,  Last Saturday, we also saw first for the year Y-B Sapsucker and 
Gray-cheeked Thrush which corresponds with several other sightings.  There 
were about 25 Eastern Bluebirds.


Tom Krakauer
Bahama, NC