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2 Clay-colored Sparrows at Cape Lookout, NC

On Tuesday, October 10th, Wayne Irvin, Jim O'Donnell, Ron Johnson and I had
a good time at Cape Lookout almost all day, looking for landbird migrants.

We had a pretty good variety and a lot of fun.  Our best find was 2
Clay-colored Sparrows in the vicinity of the old coast guard station (I'll
say 2--the actual number may have been only 1 or possibly as many as 4).
Other finds included White-crowned Sparrow, Gray-cheeked and Swainson's
thrushes, both tanagers, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Bobolink, Blue Grosbeak,
and Indigo Buntings.  Not a great variety of warblers, but entertaining.
Mostly Palm Warblers and Common Yellowthroats--best warblers were Cape May
and Blackpoll..

Birdlife obviously taking on a wintertime flavor--a few Myrtle Warblers
(ugh!), many phoebes and House Wrens, both kinglets, Red-breasted Nuthatch,
Winter Wren.

Merlins in sight frequently during the day.

On the way back, I am rather certain that I saw a Long-billed Curlew on the
shore of Shackleford Banks.  Unfortunately, the captain couldn't stop the
boat for a minute (because we were in such shallow water) for us to check
out the bird.

                                                John Fussell
                                                Morehead City, NC