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Uuter Banks birds

	Have birded Pea Island the last two mornings, followed by Bodie and/or
Roanoke Islands. Came up with a pretty good list, although no "real"
	14 species of warblers, including Magnolia, Cape May, B/blue, B/green,
Hooded, Chat, Prairie, Blackpoll.
	Also 2 Gray-cheeked Thrushes and my first Hermit of the fall.
	Clay-colored Sparrows (one each day) and 3-4 White-crowneds.
	Also, lots of winter stuff like Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper,
Phoebe, both Kinglets, Blue-headed Vireo, YB Sapsucker, Junco, Cedar
Waxwing, Winter Wren, White-throated Sparrow, Tree Swallow.
	Have seen very few raptors this fall, saw a Cooper's Hawk and Kestrel
tuesday and another accipiter this morning.
	Good birding,
		Jeff Lewis
		Manteo, NC