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Christmas Bird Count Date

The date of the Pamlico County, NC, Christmas Bird Count has been set for
Tuesday, December 19, the day after Bob Holmes is planning to have the New
Bern Count.  I have not as yet received my packet for the count but assume
this date will fit into the time slot.   I did, however, receive the Sibley
Guide which is a treasure and such a great bonus for sending in our results
last year by computer.

Liz Lathrop, compiler

Judy Walker wrote:
I am getting ready to put together the next CBC newsletter which should
include a list of all the Christmas Counts. If you are planning on having a
count please e-mail me the date, name of the count, contact person and
his/her email and phone number.

Judy Walker
CIMC/Atkins Library
UNC Charlotte
Voice: 704-547-2559