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"the prarie" Latta Plantation 10/21/00 + a question

    Went to "the prarie" at Latta Plantation today, and found a few 
interesting things. There was a flock of Golden Crowned Kinglets and 
chickadees walking over there, following us down the trail. As soon as we got 
to "the prarie", we were met with tons of Song Sparrows and White throated 
Sparrows. After walking a while on the edge of the field, we were met with 
the largest mixed species flock I have ever seen. They were all present in a 
burnt area, quite interesting. It included:
Mourning Dove 12-15
Red Bellied Woodpecker-1
Yellow Bellied Sapsucker - 1
Eastern Phoebe  10-12
Blue Jay - 8
Carolina Wren - 2
Eastern Bluebird - 40
Yellow Rumped Warbler - 3
Pine Warbler - 2
Eastern Towhee - 2
Chipping Sparrow - 25
Song Sparrow - 6
White Throated Sparrow - 5
Northern Cardinal - 4
House Finch - 12
American Goldfinch - 10

Not the most interesting group of birds you will ever see, but it was 
definitely one of the most entertaining.
Also, I have a question that I have never got around to asking. Has there 
been a dip in the Blue Gray Gnatcatcher population? All summer I have not 
seen one, and the summer before last, they were everywhere. Has anyone else 
experienced this?

Alan Kneidel
Charlotte, NC