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Orangeburg sod farms on 21 Oct 2000

Caroline Eastman and I checked out the Orangeburg sod farms (Orangeburg Co.,
SC) for a couple of hours this afternoon. The most unusual bird found was an
American Bittern, in the first big drainage ditch that crosses Supersod
Boulevard. The fields were very dry, and there  were no shorebirds other
than Killdeers. Here is our list:

American Bittern -- 1
Turkey Vulture -- 4
Northern Harrier -- 1
American Kestrel -- 1
Killdeer -- 120
Mourning Dove -- 1
Belted Kingfisher -- 1
Northern Flicker -- 2
Eastern Phoebe -- 3
Loggerhead Shrike -- 1
Horned Lark -- 12
Carolina Chickadee -- 1
Tufted Titmouse -- 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet -- 2
European Starling -- 1
American Pipit -- 1
Myrtle Warbler -- 4
Pine Warbler -- 1
Palm Warbler -- 6
Savannah Sparrow -- 4
Song Sparrow -- 8
White-throated Sparrow -- 1
Eastern Meadowlark -- 5
House Sparrow -- 12

Robin Carter
Columbia, SC