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Backyard bird activity, finally!

It's been relatively quiet at the feeders lately, but with the cooler 
weather, the action is picking up finally. That's good since it's almost time 
for Project Feederwatch to begin!

This morning, within a 10 minute period, I was thrilled to see the first 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Yellow-rumped Warber of the season. There were 
also 3 Carolina Chickadees, 2 Tufted Titmice, 2 Brown-headed Nuthatches, 1 
White-breasted Nuthatch, 4 Mourning Doves, 3 Northern Cardinals, 1 Blue Jay, 
1 Red-belly Woodpecker, and 3 Northern Flickers. The beautiful yellow-gold on 
the flickers matched the fall leaves in the backyard!!

It's quiet right now. Funny, how everyone comes to the feeders at the same 
time in such a rush of activity!

Happy birding! Karen Bearden