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Birders watch for West Nile Virus


Feel free to post it if you'd like.


On 23 Oct 00, at 15:43, Elizabeth L. Hanrahan wrote:

> Hi Will Cook,
> Had hesitated to post on CarolinaBirds last week as I thought you might
> think it inappropriate.
> However, At the meeting of the North Carolina Wildlife Rehabilitators last
> October 15th at the zoo the topic of the West Nile Virus came up.  We were
> asked by our permitting officer, Randall Wilson, Section Manager, Division
> of Wildlife Management for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
> to ask all birders to be on the lookout for flocks of blackbirds.
> Speciffically, we were asked to notify folks to look for roosting sights
> of: Crows, Grackles or other Corvids.
> I shared this information with the Lower Neuse Bird Club in New Bern last
> Tuesday.
> If you think it appropriate feel free to post on Carolinabirds.
> Thank you for your time and attention,
> Kindly,
> Elizabeth Hanrahan
> New Bern, NC
> birdworld@coastalnet.com

Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Box 90340, Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, NC 27708

Elizabeth  Hanrahan
15 Years
State & Federal Permits
New Bern, NC