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S. Crane - any chance?

   A work colleague approached me today to report he and
his wife thought they'd seen a Sandhill Crane in a small
Cary Park (McDonald? Park) 2-3 wks. ago!! Said it flew up
just 35 ft. over their heads from a creek area and was
"absolutely huge". What intrigued me is that he described it
as soaring off with a long outstretched neck. He felt he would know a Grt. 
Blue if it were one, and that the only thing he found in a field guide that 
looked like it was S. Crane. I told him I thought that was almost impossible 
and maybe it was a juvenile Grt. Blue, but I know migrating Sandhills 
occasionally occur in NC though never in the Triangle to my knowledge.So is 
there even a remote possibility he saw what he thinks he saw (is this at 
least the right time of yr. one might be seen?)

Did anyone try to follow up on Ricky's S. Bunting/Longspur report by any 
chance?  I'd like to swing around Jordan L. Wed. for a look-see, but would 
be more encouraged if there was a 2nd report of any of those birds still 
hanging around.

**Rob Gluck    Chapel Hill    thrush@hotmail.com
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