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Hope Valley Mud Flats on Jordan Lake


Today I ventured  down the power lines to the old RR trestle on Jordan Lake 
with a friend. We were delighted by seeing at least 10 Juncos, our first 
this season. We also counted in the mud flats 14 Snipe, 4 Lesser Yellowlegs 
(one was much larger than the others but it called tu-tu like all the rest) 
and 12 or so Killdeer. We didn`t carry a scope and could bet other 
shorebirds might have been present. We also had a RC Kinglet come up and 
chat with us from 5 foot away. Turkey Vultures and Common Grackles were in 
large numbers as well.

The power line flowers were pretty much gone, but we did see 3 Pearl 
Crescent, 2 Variegated Fritillary, 8-10 Common Buckeyes, one Monarch and 
one Clouded Skipper. The biggest surprise was seeing a female Eastern 
Pondhawk dragonfly, pretty late in the season for this species.

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC

Randy Emmitt Photography
Carolina Butterfly Society webmaster