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WW & WWD's

	Yesterday the lady (Mrs. Rohrbaugh) who has the White-winged Dove at her
feeder called to let me know that there were now two. I stopped by there
this (thursday) morning and sure enough, two there were. Mrs. Rohrbaugh
lives on the corner of Agona and Uppowoc Streets (turn east at the Pizza
Hut) and go one block. Her house is the one on the left with the white
picket fence. Unfortunately, there is no good way to observe her feeders
from the road. If you pull up to the fence, then you are right on top of the
feeder. One's best bet is to pass her house and park next door in front of
the vacant lot (and behind a small oak) and watch the trees for the doves
(especially the holly above the feeder). Seven a.m. seems to be a good time.
Good luck! I wonder if this pair of doves is trully a pair?
	Also, yesterday while I was eating my lunch and watching my
drip-dish/bird-bath in the Elizabethan Gardens, a male Wilson's Warbler
showed up. He never got wet, but it seemed apparent that the water is what
drew him near. What a nice lunch companion to have in November!
	Jeff Lewis