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Onslow County Birds

Today the Lower Neuse Bird Club came down to Onslow county for their
fall bird trip. We had 91 species, breezy wind may have keep the
passerines numbers down. The bird of the trip was the Lincoln Sparrow,
Bob Homes ID it in my back yard. Will post a note if I continue to see

We birded the Jacksonville sewage treatment ponds, water was low and had
9 species of ducks, Green-winged Teal, Blue-winged, Shoveler, Gadwall,
Wigeon, Lesser Scaup, 1 female Bufflehead, female Merganser and 300+
Ruddy's. Several shorebirds and the first Avocet  for that location.

At the Sneads Ferry sewage field had Bald eagle, a second trip later in
the afternoon, Wood Duck, Black, & Mallard.

New River Inlet added Marbled Godwit, & a Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Ocean watch had Gannets & Common Loons, & a walk down the Permuda Island
causeway had 3 Blue-headed Vireos.

A great time by all.

Jim & Laura O'Donnell  (odjljl@ncnets.net)
Onslow County N.C.