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Long Thanksgiving week birds

During ten days based in Allendale, I was able to get out a bit and had
fun learning new habitats and finding some birds in temps well above

A few birds of note: 

At Colleten SP, a Red-shouldered Hawk sounded off every time I walked near
the river.

At the Orangeburg sod farms, American Pipits and Horned Larks were common. 
Many other birds seen, including Wilson's and Magnolia Warblers  in the
adjacent wood edges. The company is very gracious to allow birding there.
American Pipits are only migrants in Minnesota.

In Hampton and Allendale counties there were Brewer's Blackbirds in
several locations. At a stop light in a small town, I was startled by a
Sharp-shined taking a Starling next to my car.  He then took it to a lawn
to finish the deed. 

And our 19 month old grandson, knows to start pishing while holding
binoculars when asked "where's the bird?"     

The drive from Walterboro to Charleston via Alt 17 and Hwy 61 was simple
magnificent.  No birds stops on the way to the airport.   
No time for the Mango and other goodies, however.

Thanks to all who kindly answered questions prior to my trip.

     - wncarols@linux.winona.msus.edu - Winona,MN on the Mississippi River
                             (c)Carol Schumacher, 2000             
     To see MnBird  messages...http://linux.winona.msus.edu/mnbird/digest/
		Bluffland Bird or Mexico Trip information, send e-mail