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Fw: Whooping Cranes makes Florida

        It appears that the story will have a happy ending.
----- Original Message -----
From: Wallace Coffey <jwcoffey@TRICON.NET>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 4:35 AM
Subject: Whooping Cranes makes Florida

--------------FORWARD MESSAGE--------------------------------
From: Jeb Barzen
Subject: Whooper Update
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 22:16:22 -0800

Hi All:

In summary, the female made it to Florida!  She is spending the night in the
care of the U.S. Army at the Camp Blanding Military Reservation, east of
Starke, Florida.  This is the third military installation that she has flown
over in two days.  I think that she is trying to shake her tail but our
crack trackers (combined: Florida Crackers!) would have none of that.

The female started flight this morning [Wednesday] at 1015 EST from a very
high quality wetland near Statesboro, GA.  She began migration with SW winds
and sunny skies. The headwinds proved to be no problem and were perhaps
outweighed by the good thermal environment that she had.  Once across the
Altamaha River, wind direction shifted to the NW and good thermal weather

When seen in flight, the female was flying between 1,000 and 1,500 feet
above the ground which is higher than any previous day of this migration.
She was also seen soaring more today.

The path that the female took began near Statesboro and proceeded over Fort
Stewart Military Reservation; then between Brunswick, GA and Nahunta, Ga;
across the GA/FL border between the GA towns of Kingsland and Folkston; over
Jacksonville, FL and into the Camp Blanding Military Reservation to roost.
The total distance she flew today was 190 miles.

Tomorrow's [Thursday's] weather forecast calls for north winds throughout
the area of Florida that the female is likely to frequent.  Skies will be
mostly sunny as well.  Since migration conditions appear ideal, she will
likely complete her journey tomorrow.  Where the terminus will be is a
different question.

The female had held a territory with her mate near Inverness, FL
(approximately 60 miles north of Tampa) prior to leaving the state in April.
If she altered her migration course and flew 90 miles to the SW, she would
return there.  Her present bearing of today points towards Kissimmee, FL
which is approximately 120 miles away.  She was released as a captive-reared
chick in Florida near this site 5 or 6 years ago and would likely encounter
whoopers in the vicinity tomorrow.

Now that most of you have followed this expedition, you can make your own
predictions regarding what this female will do...

As throughout the trip, the tracking crew has done a great job.  Thank you
for making it possible for them to accomplish this feat.

More tomorrow.

Jeb Barzen
Director, Field Ecology
International Crane Foundation