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Vagrant news, TV show, and last-second RFI

Hi Carolinabirders,

BIRDCHAT has an update on the Mango from yesterday, courtesy of Maryland 
birder Tyler Bell. It's a bit more coherent than the sleep-deprived post 
from Gary Phillips last night :-). There are still posts from points 
north and south of people driving in to see the bird, so keep the updates 
coming! No news yet today...

According to a friend and several posts on other lists, ABC's World News 
Tonight had Kenn Kaufman and Dave Sibley on last night and talked about 
their field guides and birding in general. Did anyone catch it?

In out-of-state news, a Snowy Owl was caught, believe it or not, in the 
nets of a shrimp trawler offshore of Louisiana! This after one showed up 
on Florida's Gulf coast last winter. I think the Carolinas are due!

But meanwhile, Frank and I are plotting to head out to Goldsboro to look 
for the Vermilion Flycatcher. As long as we're making the two-hour-plus 
drive to Goldsboro, I figure to look for some other birds as well if we 
have time. I still have Eric Dean's directions saved somewhere to the 
Wayne County water treatment plant where the Eared Grebes usually hang 
out. Does anyone else know of worthwhile spots to look around for an 
hour or so in that neighborhood, as long as we're heading that way? Frank 
is especially hoping for Redhead and Vesper Sparrow. If nobody has any 
better ideas, we might swing by Lakes Crabtree/Wheeler and vicinity on 
our way home.

Thanks in advance; I'll check my e-mail around 11 or so tonight in case 
anyone has any ideas!


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
