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Durham Count III

Janet and I  and Cathy Stanford birded the northern section of the count 
circle.  This included the pond near the intersection of Mason Rd and 
Roxboro Rd,  the bridge over the Little River, Dairy Farm at the 
intersection of Roxboro Rd and Bahama Rd, the beaver pond to the west of R. 
Rd, Quail Roost, Johnson Mill Rd, and our backyard.  We ended up with 78 
species and missed several birds seen/heard in our backyard the previous 
day such as field sparrow, parula warbler, and n. flicker.  Didn't get 
Acadian Flycatcher, they came in today along the Little River.

The "best" birds were
Bobolink (4)-dairy farm
Savanah Sparrow (2)- "
Swamp Sparrow - dairy farm (wetlands) and beaver pond
Common Snipe- Beaver Pond
Solitary Sandpipers (3) - beaver pond.
Grasshopper Sparrow-  Quail roost
Am. Kestrel -  s. Lowell Rd.

Great close, sitting looks at Barn, Tree, Cliff swallow and purple martin.

Most interesting butterfly was a common sootywing, which was seen next to 
the Quail Roost fields.


Tom Krakauer
Bahama, Durham County, NC