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Roadless? Guess not.

Hi folks,

Well... It was bound to happen.

QUESTION: What good are your stock shares when you can't breath the air nor 
drink the water?

1. Bush Administration Expected to Suspend Roadless Rule
The Bush administration is reportedly about to suspend or even withdraw a 
Clinton-era rule barring roads on 58.5 million acres of roadless areas in 
national forests. The Bush administration faces a May 4 deadline to tell a 
federal court how it views the roadless area rule. The rule would take 
effect on May 12 unless the administration makes a move to suspend or 
withdraw it. For more on roads and forestry, visit the SAF website at:


(and scroll down to "roads").

...and yes this does have everything to do with birds.

Paul Champlin
Aiken County, SC

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